Serving with Trinity Aviation Academy
January 2016 Newsletter
New arrival!
We are happy to announce the birth of child number four! Elizabeth Sky was born to us on November 2nd. She is a very healthy and happy baby and looks a lot like her big sister. Ruth has made significant progress in healing from her hip injury. It is no longer keeping her from being active. This is a big answer to prayer as she has been struggling with this for over two years.We greatly appreciate the gifts of support we received over the past few weeks. The Lord has been providing for us through many of you. We are thankful for your faithfulness and generosity.
Training successes!
This month Isaac Carmichael completed his Private Pilot certificate and will be starting on his instrument rating next month.Last month Andrew Gray completed his first solo flight! Andrew had been struggling with the FAA for over a year to get his medical certificate to be legal to fly. He finally cleared that hurdle and was able to take to the skies on his own. He is on course to complete his private pilot certificate by the summer.
I have been working with Tad Henry, TAA’s Director of Academics, for the past several months on getting his flight instructor rating, which he received this month! That is a huge milestone for a pilot!
There will be two new students coming to us at the end of January to begin training. Both will be studying for their maintenance certifications and their private pilot certifications.
Please be our ministry partners!
As the work continues to grow, Ruth and I are seeking to increase financial support. I am still working at Spanaflight in Puyallup to get the bills paid and keep food on the table, but this takes a lot of time away from the work I could be doing at T.A.A., training pilot/mechanics so they can use these skills to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.If you are excited about the work that I am doing with these young men and women who are dedicating their lives to serving the Lord, then please consider a commitment to support us monthly. Our goal for full-time support is $2,500 per month. If you could contribute $25, $50, or $100 per month, it would put us closer to our goal and allow me to dedicate more time to this work. Our current support level is about $150 to $200 per month.
If you would like more information before committing to financial support, please contact us. We would be happy to answer any questions about our ministry and would be happy to meet with you and / or your church to talk about the important work we do at T.A.A.
If you are excited about the work that the Swinefords are doing with Trinity Aviation Academy and would like to support their efforts financially, there are two ways to give:Write a check:
Mail check to:Original Design Ministries
P.O. Box 367
Eatonville, WA 98328 Put Andy’s name in the memo line.
PayPal: on the donate button.
Put Andy’s name in the special instructions.
If you would like more information about the work that Andy is doing with Trinity Aviation Academy please contact Andy directly.253-951-4118 January 2016
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