Andy & Ruthy Swineford
Serving with Trinity Aviation Academy
October 2015 Newsletter
A lot has happened in the past year and a half.
Most importantly, our son Zebedee was born in February last year and is a very strong and healthy young man. We have been getting settled into our new home in Graham, WA over the past couple of years and have been making progress. We have been blessed with helpers in getting some of the fix-it-up tasks done and are grateful to those who have pitched in. More tasks have yet to be finished and we would appreciate your prayers in getting these done.Ruth has been struggling with a hip injury for the past two years and healing has been slow. Trying to keep up with three small children slows down the healing process, and I have been trying to help her with it as much as I can. We are expecting child number four in just a few weeks and are very excited! Please pray for continued healing for Ruthy and that all will go well with her pregnancy.
I have been working at Spanaflight, a flight school in Puyallup, WA since last spring as a full-time instructor. This has been keeping the bills paid and I’ve been getting valuable experience that the students at Trinity Aviation Academy will benefit from. I have over one thousand flight hours logged now, much of it in the past year.
The work at Trinity Aviation Academy continues.
This year I have been helping Tad Henry, Trinity’s Director of Academics, with getting his flight instructor certificate. I have also been working with Isaac Carmichael, Trinity’s newest student who arrived last September. He will soon be completing his private pilot certificate. In addition I have worked with Andrew Grey in getting his private pilot certificate.We have continued to host another Trinity Student, Timothy Brown, here at our home. He will be completing his advanced ratings this fall and will be going to Alaska to serve with the North American missions.
There is still much work to be done. I am training to get my instrument instructor rating, which will allow me to train students to fly in the clouds. This is quite an effort and I would appreciate your prayers for diligence and focus. Ruth and I are seeking to increase our financial support so I can be more available to train the men at Trinity Aviation Academy as they prepare to serve the Lord as pilot/mechanics. While this type of work takes financial support, it also takes prayer, and we covet your prayers above all else.
Meet the missionary.
Howdy, my name is Tim Brown and I have for the last few years been training in Washington State to serve as a missionary pilot & mechanic.By God's grace I am licensed minister, and a graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. It was during my graduate studies that I was challenged to go to where my skills and service would be most needed. Originally from Georgia, I then committed to go where ever the Lord sent. I am preparing to serve with the Alaska Baptist Convention next year as a church planter & pilot.
Over a year ago my situation changed and the Swineford family showed me more kindness than I could have ever imaged by letting my park my RV by their house and letting me use their shower and laundry.
It has been a joy getting to know the family and moments with the kids has become one of the cherished moments of my life. I do not know what tomorrow may bring, but I know God gave me friends like Andy & his family to help me through it!
Timothy Brown, preparing to serve with Alaska Baptist Convention.
Original Design Ministries
P.O. Box 367
Eatonville, WA 98328
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To contact the Swinefords
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