Monday, March 18, 2013

March 2013

March 2013
Greetings and blessings to our partners in God’s work,
What’s happening at Trinity?:
            Lots of maintenance is happening at Trinity. We are working to rebuild an airplane that sat in a barn for a long time and we are working to assemble an engine that will go into our Cessna 177RG. The weather finally cooperated so that we were able to bring home the Cessna 182 that God had provided for the school.  It was stuck in northern Idaho for three months.
Update on the Swinefords:
            I started a job at Safety In Motion Flight Center. I am their mechanic and they plan to allow me to be a flight instructor as well. It is full time, but will be good experience. They are willing to work with me so that I can still help at Trinity and also complete my instrument instructor rating. We are waiting, at least a few months, to list our house. We decided that it was a bit much to try to sell our house with a new baby, my two jobs, and my class.
Answered prayers!:
            My new job will definitely help us as we gain more support partners. It decreases the financial stress and we are very appreciative of it, but it is the same amount I was making eleven years ago—so there is still a gap. In December we received $250 in support. Thank you! In February we received $330! And praise God as of March 15th we have already received $355!! We know that God will provide for all our needs. And God has blessed us and helped provide for us with a large income tax refund. We will use this pay off medical expenses. It is a great deal more than we expected to get back and we are very excited to see God work in this way!
Prayer requests:
V  Direction for the school as we continue to make important decisions.
V  Diligence for me as I seek to get my Instrument Instructor rating.
V  God’s continued provisions and additional partners for us and the other missionaries at Trinity.
V  That I would be able to work full-time at Trinity Aviation Academy.  I feel a strong call to this ministry and my heart is in it.
We still hope to send out prayer cards with our support letters in the future. If people would like to meet with us in person we would love to do so. Feel free to call or email me if you would like to chat more about our ministry. More information is available on my internet blog at  You can e-mail me at or call me at 253-951-4118. If you can support us financially please sends checks to: Original Design Ministries P.O. box 367 Eatonville, WA 98328 with my name in the memo line.
Thank you and May God bless you,
            Andy, Ruthy, Esther, and Isaac